Unlocking insights and driving success through high quality and relevant data

The convenient way to find, compare, and access data products from a wide range of global data providers

Data MarketplaceData API
What makes


so efficient

& price friendly

Transparent data is essential for making informed decisions. we make sure to clearly disclose all of the data we use and the methods we employ in our research and analysis
Accurate & Updated
We understand the importance of accurate and updated data in today's fast-paced world. We regularly verify and update all of data we provide & ensuring reliable data
We are dedicated to provide best support in the industry. We are here to assist you and make sure your experience is as smooth as possible

Data Marketplace

With a data marketplace, you can access a wealth of information that has been carefully curated and organized to help you uncover valuable insights and trends.

Airbnb data | 2022 Occupancy, Daily rate
Amazon Product Review
eBay Product Reviews & Ratings Data | weekly
Shopify Stores in US & Europe
Available Data

API product

Designed to scale

Our API is designed to help businesses and developers easily access and utilize the power of real-time data.


Coding Practices


Code Review


Security & Strategy

Available API
Health Industry
Hospitality Industry
Consumer Sentiment
Housing & Realstate